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Welcome to TerraTrove!
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General Guidelines, Staff Discretion and Disclaimers.

Any of these rules can be changed or updated at any moment in time, so be sure to regularly check on them. Our staff will try to follow these rules as closely as they can, but no set of rules can cover every eventuality. If necessary, staff will take action so that the server can remain a friendly environment for others. The staff have the right to judge each rule-breaking situation and make a decision on what the outcome should be. Breaking any of these rules will result in appropriate sanctions which can include a permanent ban. These rules, where applicable, also apply in our discord server.

If you have a question or require assistance, please use the ⁠create-ticket channel in our discord to reach out to a staff member. We’re here to ensure a fair, safe, and enjoyable experience for everyone on the server!

For any situations not specifically covered by these rules, staff members will use their discretion to determine appropriate action based on the principles of community well-being and server fairness.

By participating in this server, you acknowledge and agree that the staff reserves the right to remove any player from the community if they are deemed unfit to belong, based on behavior or actions that violate the server's rules, disrupt the community, or negatively impact the experience of others. This decision is at the sole discretion of the staff team and may be made with or without prior warning.

1. This is an 18+ server.

We strive to maintain a mature, respectful, and enjoyable environment for all players. To achieve this, our server is exclusively for those aged 18 and older. If you are under 18 or if we find that you’ve provided false information about your age, you will be removed from the Discord and server. Immature behavior or conduct not aligning with our community’s standards may also result in removal. Let’s keep this a space where everyone can relax and have fun in a mature and considerate setting.

2. Constant offensive language or content is not allowed.

While some minor amount of swearing is allowed, severe or frequent vulgarity, especially when directed at others, is not. This includes slurs and/or homophobic remarks. Offensive item/mob names, skins, Minecraft structures and usernames are not allowed, and you are required to change or remove any if asked by a staff member. Over-sexualization is also not allowed in our public forms of communications channels as it may make others uncomfortable, and this includes item names, innuendos, or any other form of sexualization. While we will accept minor remarks, if you wish to keep at it, please take it to private chats. You will be approached by the staff for violating this rule.

3. Advertising is not allowed.

Advertising other Minecraft/Discord servers is strictly prohibited. You also may not advertise any websites if it doesn't have anything to do with TerraTrove. You will be removed from the discord/server if we find that you have been advertising.

4. Please keep politics, religion or any other world-related subjects out of public chat.

To maintain a friendly, relaxed and inclusive environment, please avoid discussing these types of subjects in public chat. If you wish to have a debate, please take it to private messages. This helps keep conversations enjoyable, fun and welcoming for everyone.

5. TNT duplication is allowed on the server--chunk loaders are not allowed.

However, other forms of duplication are not permitted. Please avoid any methods or glitches used to duplicate items other than TNT. Alongside this, chunk loaders as well as farms that make use of chunk loaders are not allowed on the server. If you are unsure, please inform a member of staff.

6. Cheating in any form is not allowed.

Anything that is considered to give you an unfair advantage over other players is considered cheating. This can include client mods or hacked clients that generate items easier or faster than otherwise possible, or abusing server bugs to gain more than you would normally gain. If it is in the vanilla Minecraft game, then it is not considered cheating. Abuse of x-raying and flying is strictly not tolerated, and if you are found to have violated these you will be punished.

We DO allow the following:
- Freecam
- Fullbright
- Tweakeroo (without air placement)
- Litematica Schematics (manual placement)

We do NOT allow the following:
- Litematica Printer (automatic placement)
- X-Ray
- Flying

7. Locking loot chests in generated structures is not allowed.

Do not use [/bolt lock] command on any chests located in generated structures. These chests are meant to be accessible for all players when exploring, as chest loot is generated per each player. Locking them breaks this process; if we find that you have purposefully locked a chest within a structure, you will be punished.

8. Builds, decorations, and terraforming changes located within the Spawn region must be approved first.

Do not build in the 500-block radius surrounding spawn without first applying to build in our ⁠Shops and Trading thread in our discord. This also applies to any community-based builds, general spawn decorations, and large terraforming projects. Please visit our ⁠Spawn Development thread if you would like to learn more and contribute to the spawn region. See the full perimeter and server map here. This also goes for any builds in public or community spaces outside of the spawn region or other dimensions; such as the Nether Hub, End Portal room, End spawning platform, and other spaces. Please be mindful of building in these areas and make sure you ask permission before you intend to make any changes.

9. Be mindful of other player's bases when creating your own.

Be mindful of other players' territory and land claims. Basing together is allowed and recommended if all parties consent. Be sure to check the player-bases forum channel alongside markers on the live server map--or add your own marker as well and post it in player-bases when claiming an area--to determine whether or not another player has already made plans for an area you might be looking to settle down in. If you are unsure, do not hesitate to ask a staff member for more information or assistance. Editing another in-game base banner's name or location is strictly disallowed, even as a joke.

10. Chat must remain English-only.

In order for staff to properly moderate chat and discord, all messages must be in English. Messages written completely in another language are not allowed.

11. Griefing and/or stealing is not allowed.

Griefing is considered destroying or changing another player’s property or buildings without their consent. If it isn't yours, don't touch it. Items and containers previously placed by other players in the wild are not just free loot. All players have access to /bolt info, which lets you punch the container in question to see who it belongs to. If any players are suspected of griefing and/or stealing, you will be contacted by staff.

12. Non-consensual PVP is not allowed.

PVP battles between consenting players are allowed; a player cannot attack or engage in combat with another player without their explicit consent. To ensure a cooperative environment on the server, we ask that players do not commit surprise or unwanted attacks on unsuspecting players. Server events that contain PVP elements will be discussed beforehand--if a player participating in an event is currently unarmed and/or not actively participating in combat, the player should not be initiated in combat.

13. Do not scam, or attempt to scam, other players.

Scamming is dishonestly taking items or anything else of value from another player. This includes using /nick to impersonate other players. If you encounter anything suspicious or are unsure, please inform a member of staff and we can confirm for you.

Keep the main overworld tidy.

Please try to keep our world tidy, we only have one. This includes not building or leaving; 1x1 towers, lava casts, floating trees, explosion marks, etc. This also goes for your own base as well as what you build around other players' bases; please be mindful of how your base looks to your surrounding neighbors, and please do not turn your builds into griefs. You will be punished if you continue to grief the world excessively or consistently.

15. Please make sure your villager hall is optimized.

All villager trading halls must have their villagers renamed to either 'Bonk' or 'Optimize' to disable AI to improve server performance. Players are responsible for ensuring all villagers in their trading halls are renamed. Additionally, all villager breeders must have an off switch to further help performance. Failure to comply will result in a punishment determined by the staff. NOTE: With the launch of Season 4, personal villager halls and breeders are not allowed unless staff approved. Players are required to remove their villager halls and breeding areas unless previously approved. If you require villagers for other farms around your base, the current limit is 6; any more will first require staff approval via opening a ticket.

16. Entity moderation for server performance.

To help maintain optimal server performance, we ask all players to be mindful of the number of entities in their builds, farms, and other structures. Keeping entity counts reasonable helps ensure the server remains as lag-friendly as possible. If excessive mobs, dropped items, item frames, or other entities are causing lag, our staff may intervene to reduce their numbers. Players will always be notified if any adjustments are needed, and we prioritize fair, minimal intervention to keep things running smoothly for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation! NOTE: With the launch of Season 4, we are working to make changes to both enemy and passive mobs including their spawn rates, AI activity, breeding, etc. Currently, villager breeding is turned off, and passive mobs will have their AI turned off if there are more than 50 within a 20-block area. These changes are not final, and they will be edited.

Need assistance? Have a question? Create a ticket.

If you have a pressing issue that requires the attention of a staff member, please do not hesitate to create a ticket using the ⁠#create-ticket channel in our discord. If anything is not listed above and you think it should, then please also let us know.

This section outlines the penalties for violating each rule and if/where they can be appealed. If something is not listed here, don't assume it's not a rule. It's still covered in the rules section of the previous page.

Instant Bans (Major) - Breaking these rules below will net you a permanent ban with appeal.

- Griefing and/or Stealing

- Advertising

- Cheating

- PvP without consent

Warnings and Community Punishments: (Minor)
Warnings are permanent and accumulate over time. Each infraction is recorded by staff, and the total number of warnings is taken into account when considering punishments. As warnings build up, the severity of consequences may increase. While past behavior is considered, players who demonstrate significant improvement in their actions and character may receive more lenient treatment. However, ongoing negative behavior will result in harsher penalties.

- Building in the Spawn Region

- Respecting Other Players' Bases and Private Farms

- Villager Hall Optimization

- Excessive Mob Count

- Duplication Rules

- Chat and VC Moderation

- Breaking Chests in Generated Structures

- Keeping the Overworld Tidy

- Scamming

Appeal - How do I appeal my ban?

You can currently appeal on our Discord in the create-appeal channel. Please follow the application slowly and answer every question as best you can to ensure your best shot at getting your ban appealed. 
If you repeatedly contact staff about an appeal, we reserve the right to ignore it or potentially dismiss it altogether.